
Who We Are

Abufari Amazonian Products was born from the understanding of the existence of a typically Brazilian wealth

and the possibility of responsible exploration of these resources, respecting environmental sustainability, forest conservation, development of local communities and valuing the Amazon potential.

We are located
in the heart
of Brazil.


Located in the municipality of Tapauá-AM, on the bed of the Purus River, the heart of the Amazon rainforest. Here we have our processing plant of Brazil nuts.


Brazil nuts found in the region of Abufari are known for being the largest chestnuts in size of the Amazon rainforest in Brazil according to studies carried out, and also for having a very high level of quality.

Our Principles

• Environmental and ecological sustainability
• Quality of products
• Brazilian and organic biodiversity
• Corporate social responsibility
• Qualification of people
• Innovation, research and technology


Abufari applies extractive quality and agro-industrial processing procedures, which start at the base of the chestnut tree and go to the end consumer, following strict technical standards in the industrial production of chestnuts with low humidity, minimum levels of aflatoxins, flavor enhancement and crunchiness of almonds.


Our product is vacuum packed in 20 kg metallized bags that maintain its quality standard for 2 years.


wide logistics reach

Abufari has developed a multimodal logistics support system in order to reach all consumer markets for Brazil nuts and other Amazonian products. River transport, cabotage and storage services generate rapid reach to supply the most varied centers.

business support

Abufari values its strict contact with its customers, so we have developed a network of agents and representatives of national reach in order to serve our consumers well and provide fast and effective business solutions, and above all that bring satisfaction in working with us.


The processing of Brazil nuts consists of an agro-industrial process of shelling and dehydration, making the nuts have an incomparable Amazonian flavor.

Abufari offers all the structure and team necessary to carry out the processing of Brazil nuts at a level of excellence, meeting the most demanding quality standards.?


We believe that innovation and the modernization of processes play a fundamental role in the economic and sustainable progress of the region.

The development of people through technical qualification is essential in our way of doing business through the promotion and implementation of courses and training, aiming to educate and qualify with the purpose of exploring human potentials for the benefit of the company and the community.

We understand that the diversity of products in the Amazon rainforest are countless and with unique flavors such as açaí (Euterpe oleracea), cupuaçu (Theobroma grandiflorum), graviola (Soursop), babaçu (Attalea speciosa) among others, which Abufari intends to explore in the near future in order to diversify its portfolio and open market opportunities. But the riches coming from the forest are not limited to that; we understand that the Amazon has an even greater variety of potential products to be explored and still unknown to large markets, whether in the food field such as cumaru (Tonka beans), as well as drugs and cosmetics.


contact us

send your message and our team will contact you shortly


+55 (41) 99685.1899
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